About Us

Welcome To Accurate Multilayer Papers LLP

About Us

Accurate Multilayer Papers LLP started its journey of excellence in the year 2015 and has now become one of the pioneers in the paper packaging industry.

We, at Accurate Multilayer Papers LLP, take pride in the long lasting association that we have built with our clients and how we live them through. In our commitment to give our clients only the best, we strive to continually improve our technology and expertise to meet and exceed customer expectations and needs. We relentlessly work towards nurturing an ambience of sincerity, jubilance, and perfection.

We design and manufacture custom rigid boards with love and care. Proudly, Made in India.

Accurate Multilayer Papers LLP is North India's first Rigid Board Manufacturing Plant and also one of the leading providers of paper-based packaging in the India, with operations in North India.

Our experience and expertise create new opportunities for our customers and we are constantly updating our pack design and innovations to provide the optimum choice and Rigid Board Paper packaging supplies.

Key Attribute of our products is consistency. We achieve thisby using our onlining paper.

Zero-Pollution (Environment Freindly) Policy

Because those products are 100% recyclable and produced sustainably, we help our customers reduce their environmental footprint. Accurate is a Manufacturer of recycled paper rigid board and packaging and follows the ideology of "waste to wealth" and integrates this in every process, product and practice.

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