About Us

Welcome To Accurate Multilayer Papers LLP

Technology & Quality

  • Single-Sided, Double-Sided & Multi-Layer Rigid Boards.
  • Our manufacturing technology make easier for manufacturing Minimum Weight rigid board with Maximum Thickness.
  • Our technology makes paper rigid board with Maximum Strength.
  • We are making minimum size 550 X 430 MM and 1600 X 1400 MM Rigid Boards.

Accurate Multilayer Papers LLP objective is to deliver zero defect product built to customer specifications.

Our Quality Goal for every team member is ‘demonstrated excellence in a quality performance’.

We believe Just in Time (JIT) Delivery to our customer.

Quality Assurance

Accurate Multilayer Papers LLP is committed to total customer satisfaction by meeting the customer’s needs on quality, quantity and on-time delivery. To fulfill this commitment, the management works towards continual improvement through an efficient quality system. Its key points include:

Establishment of Quality Management Systems as per International Standards.

Increasing the throughput by improving processes, the quality of incoming materials, and reducing waste and elimination of scrap.

Enhancement of knowledge and skills of employees through training.

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